目前分類:2007summer。Toronto (7)

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  • Aug 28 Tue 2007 00:12
  • 故鄉

結束了三天的加東之旅,我從North York地鐵站走出來,抬頭望見今晚的月亮,很亮,很圓,很圓。


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Next day, noisy stupid birds woke me up...made me really want to kill them and cook to eat. Still chilly in the morning. I walked around the campsite excitedly. Other people's tent looked so professional, our's was...still could used though. I walked to the lake. It was sooooo beautiful!! The lake was like a mirror reflect the beautiful sky, like a postcard.

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This is my first time to go camping in my life!! People in here really like camping, they even book a camp site for the whole summer. Summer time is really treasure to them. Well, maybe this time was not a "real" camping because we have washroom and shower at the camping site, But never mind for my first try.

I went there with Gina, Alice, Wihtney, Jennifer n her husband Gary. They are all closed friend to Gina, i'm the one new to them. We lefe Toronto around 2 o'clolck in Friday afternoon. I took us alomost three hours drive to the park. On the half way to the park it even rained sooo heavily like someone poured the water from the sky...first time to see raining like this in Toronto.

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It is not very intersting when I heard Jazz festival first time. I don't like jazz music that much, actaully, I think it is very noisy. But this weekend we have no where to go, so we went to the Jazz festival.

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Why I'm going to write this paragraph is just because the color of August TTC monthly pass is very beautiful XD~ at least much better than July......ˇˇ

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It's midnight here in Toronto. 來這裡快要一個禮拜了,雖然是第一次自己一個人上飛機,除了下飛機有點緊張、第一次走進教室有點緊張,其他時間都還好,也沒有特別excited,我想我適應力還蠻強的,亦或者是心如止水習慣了。

You won't feel out of place here, because there are sooooo many Asian people. I was suprised when I first got on the metro, there was only half white people!! Not to metion in the Chinatown or Koreatown. Even you can't speak English you can still survive really well in here.

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