Next day, noisy stupid birds woke me up...made me really want to kill them and cook to eat. Still chilly in the morning. I walked around the campsite excitedly. Other people's tent looked so professional, our's was...still could used though. I walked to the lake. It was sooooo beautiful!! The lake was like a mirror reflect the beautiful sky, like a postcard.

After having some breakfast, we decided to go canoing first. This is my first time canoing!!! We rent a canoe at Canoe Lake. It was made by aluminum, but i want a wood one. Like the description of Indian people in the novel. Our canoe was peddle by two people. The one peddle by one person is called Kayaks. I really wanted to try it, but better not in my first try.

The direction is difficult to control. It is peddled by two people so we have to work together, not by my own will. No matter what we're doing, cooperation is always hard. I wanna to go though the whole lake, but it was too tired to do so. After an hour i started to feel tired and my arms ached a little bit.

We went back to the camp site and had some food. It was beef hamburger for the lunch. But all the hamburgers are burnt.... I couldn't remember how much i ate for the lunch, but after eating i feel like there was a  basketball in my stomach.

In the afternoon we went hiking. I really like walking in forest. Every time it makes me think of Dad. Thanks for his hard training since i was a little child. After half an hour we walked up to a cliff. How could i beautiful!! Looking down was wide coniferous forest. Not until now did i believe Canada was a beautiful country. Walking along the cliff, we just kept marveling and taking pictures.

The map said this trail took 3 hours. But after 3 hours we were not even finished half way of this trial. Maybe it because we took too much time in taking pictures. Now everyone felt so tired and walked so fast, not stopped for the beautiful scenery again. Four girls walking in the forest after sunset is not a funny thing.

When we were almost finished the trail. There was something big moved in the bush. It was a MOOSE!!!! I was so excited. Never expect to see a moose in such a short distance. It was not afraid of us, just stayed there let us to take pictures. (Unfortunately, i didn't catch a clear picture >"<)  I know it is very common to see a moose in Canada. Sometimes it walk on the road, and when a car crash into a moose, the moose is ok but the car would rollover. Can't believe that.....


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