This is my first time to go camping in my life!! People in here really like camping, they even book a camp site for the whole summer. Summer time is really treasure to them. Well, maybe this time was not a "real" camping because we have washroom and shower at the camping site, But never mind for my first try.

I went there with Gina, Alice, Wihtney, Jennifer n her husband Gary. They are all closed friend to Gina, i'm the one new to them. We lefe Toronto around 2 o'clolck in Friday afternoon. I took us alomost three hours drive to the park. On the half way to the park it even rained sooo heavily like someone poured the water from the sky...first time to see raining like this in Toronto.

Our camp site was at two river. After raining the weather became damn cold. I wore two jeckets but still not enough. Although we have six smart people, only Whitney really know and have experience of how to set up the tent. Expecially Gina bought a new king size tent that is not easy to figure out. The sky became darker and darker very soon.The worst thing was it started to rain again when we setting up the tent, it would wet inside the tent. I felt so bad that i can't help, Whitney showed really optmistic way in this kind of hard time.

Finally, we set up the tent. Everybody felt so tired and hungry and cold. How could my first day of camping being like this?? 

We grilled all the chicken Gina brought. Because the fire was hard to control, every peice of chicken was burnt, smoke made my eyes uncomfortable. Generally, i won't eat these kind of thing because of health, but this time i have no choice. How could i being such like Father......

The fire was warm. The cold air made me really didn't want to take a shower...but everyone did, so did i. When i took a shower the wind was keep blowing inside from the crack of the door. We have to use the flashlight during walking in the camp site. There must be many stars in the sky, but i just too tired to watch it.

It was hard to fall on asleep in the night. We only had a layer of carpet on the ground and a sleeping bag. I need a warm blacket >"< This part of camping is really unbearable.

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