It's midnight here in Toronto. 來這裡快要一個禮拜了,雖然是第一次自己一個人上飛機,除了下飛機有點緊張、第一次走進教室有點緊張,其他時間都還好,也沒有特別excited,我想我適應力還蠻強的,亦或者是心如止水習慣了。

You won't feel out of place here, because there are sooooo many Asian people. I was suprised when I first got on the metro, there was only half white people!! Not to metion in the Chinatown or Koreatown. Even you can't speak English you can still survive really well in here.

I took the placement test with a girl from China (see.....Chinese again). I'm at level 6. I think it is OK. There are Chinese, Koreans, and South Americans (The countries there are all same to me @@) in the class. The class is...just the way we do in Taiwan. The diffirence is we have to speak English. Well, that's why i came here. Paid for a really high pice.

The metro are only two main lines so I can't visit many place by myself...only downtown. It takes me 45min to go to school, form North York Centre to Dupund. I've visited the University of Toronto. Much bigger than NTU, both ancient and morden buildings...beautiful...that's all.

Yesterday I went to Toronto Island withe Angie, a girl from Korea. She is a...比我還女生的女生,高跟鞋、超濃妝、低胸XDD....我們約在Union車站,之後都是她帶路了,搭street car到"港口",買了12$好貴的船票,也沒人驗票,上船之後又收了3$的小費,超不習慣這裡又是稅又是小費的,很快就到了island上面,結果只看到樹和在野餐的悠閒的歪果人,Angie不會騎腳踏車所以我們只能用走的,就是風大了一點不然我覺得很愜意,走一走不知道要幹嘛我們只好打電話求救。原來走錯方向了,島很大,感覺就像是一個很大的公園,人超多的,大部分是family帶食物來野餐這樣,有給小孩子玩的遊樂設施,還有小小的沙灘,Angie一直覺得很無聊,所以我們又搭ferry回downtown了,還好ferry是free的,我覺得很可惜,騎腳踏車把島繞一圈應該很不錯,唉....真是的....

到Dundas車站有個逛街的mall叫Eaton Centre,現在everywhere is on summer sale,逛一些衣服鞋子和化妝品,非常符合Angie的style,之後她帶我去Koreatown,在Christie station,為了形容那個石鍋飯我形容超久的,還是失敗XD不知是不是因為long weekend感覺Chinatown還是比較熱鬧,那家餐廳還真貴,都要7$以上,不過很多人排隊,吃烤肉和泡菜鍋,超享受的大餐耶~~好吃好吃學到泡菜叫做"kimchi",除了不會騎腳踏車Angie還不錯,我們用破破的英文也聊了不少,她還是念數學系的,超酷!



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